
Welcome to Dance Dance Party Party Los Angeles!
We are so glad you found us.

Unlike typical workout or dance classes, Dance Dance Party Party™ has no instructors, no fitness goals, and nothing to prove. There are only three rules in the room – no boys, no lights, and no judgment. That means no judgement of others, and no judgement of yourself.

It’s a simple format: One hour of booty-busting tunes, a dance studio with the lights turned low, and dancers willing to let go.

What could be better than that?

Attendees can sign up to “Guest DJ” by creating a custom 1 hour playlist for our dance party.
Anything and everything goes from Broadway to hip-hop to 80’s hits. It just needs to include one warm-up song at the start and one cool-down song at the end. 15 or so songs that will get everyone up and moving. Dancers are not only encouraged to DJ but to get into the spirit and give themselves a fun DJ name. 

Through word of mouth alone, over a dozen DDPP™ chapters have cropped up all over the USA and internationally. Women around the world are responding to this liberating atmosphere where they are free to goof around, shake their bodies without objectification, and feel good about who they are.
You can read all about them and more at the main Dance Dance Party Party website.

We use inclusive definitions of women and also welcome non-binary and gender non-conforming people who have experienced misogyny and are comfortable with the mission statement of our space. No boys allowed.

The mothership DDPP chapter is based in Chicago.

Our Los Angeles chapter meets on Sundays
Please check our Calendar page for exact dates and information.

Each event in Los Angeles is only $10 at the door. Payable through cash or Venmo.
If you RSVP to our event, you have the chance to pre-pay for only $8! What a bargain!

Doors open around 2:30pm and dancing begins around 3pm.
The doors will be closed and locked once we start dancing so please plan enough time to get there and park. We know this is LA and things like driving and committing to anything in advance are hard. Consider this your warning.
Please plan to be with us until 4:15 – we totally get it if you have places to be, but leaving early usually messes up the flow of things, so just count on leaving some wiggle room to get to your House of the Dragon watch party.

You can find out more about the beautiful humans who bring you DDPPLA each week by visiting our Dance Squad page

Check out some testimonials from our dancers to see how DDPP makes them feel and why they keep coming back!

Email us at ddpplosangeles@gmail.com if you want to DJ, have questions, or just wanna tell us how cool we are. 

Sign up for our mailing list to keep up to date on our calendar, announcements, and promotions.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in touch with all things #DDPPLA

Get ready to sweat with us and have the time of your life!

xo Your LA Dance Squad
Kristen, Cara, Morgan, Becky, Devan, & Kelby