What To Wear

You’re ready to leave it all on the floor. But if you haven’t been to a Dance Dance Party Party before, you may be wondering which outfit the floor calls for…

“Should I dust off my prom dress?”
“Is this chainmail shirt acceptable?”
“Can I whip out my neon leotard and glitter kicks?”

First of all, great wardrobe.

Secondly, we don’t have rules about what you have to wear beyond something you can move in safely.

But we get it. You don’t want to roll up somewhere wearing the wrong thing.


Most dancers wear work out clothes and sneakers, but here are some other ideas about what you can wear to DDPPLA.

Work Out Gear
Tanks, T’s, shorts, sports bras, and sweat/yoga/dance pants.
Chances are you’re gonna be drenched quick. Real quick. So wear something you don’t mind getting sweaty.

Dance Class Attire
Rock a leotard with space printed on it with some brightly colored shorts. Have an old tutu you don’t know what to do with in your closet? Bring it. Leg warmers? Love it. 

The Avant-Garde
Feel free to get fierce in your DDPP outfit. Put random lights on your body. Throw your hair up in three buns. Bring pleather back. Parachute pants are making a comeback.
Remember, this is a judgement-free zone.

Let’s Talk Shoes
The Spot LA is sneaker-friendly. Some people wear socks, but keep in mind that they can slide. Jazz/modern shoes are welcome.
You may also want to go barefoot – cool! Feel the floor. Be one with your hippie-self.
But you may want backup sneakers in case the dance floor fights back!
Heels, sandals, and tap shoes are not permitted.

Ok but seriously, you could roll up in pajamas or wear that prom dress (please someone show up in a prom dress).
Treat it like you’re dancing in your room. There just happen to be other people in there too.

Whatever you wear, just be prepared to sweat.
A lot.
Like a lot a lot.
Remember that thing we said about no judgement? We mean it.
